Video Spotlight: Bunny Girls

Ah, what a lovely day for an intense run. That’s it, Alex. See the world for the lemonade, not the trees. Pretty sure that’s how that goes. Imagine if we could replicate the sensation of life-threatening amounts of adrenaline whenever we wanted! My health would be the talk of the town! Watch where you’re runnin’, you blind-! Dang. You’re soaked with sweat. What did you do? What I am more proud of is what I did not do. For, as you can see, I am only nearly dead. And anything short of my top speed would have resulted in otherwise. … Dare I ask? You see, I had this plan for yet another themed post and regaled the only bovine I am aware of with as many dairy puns I could muster. You know, throw some fat at the wall. Chew the mud. That kind of thing. And you wouldn’t believe! She took offense! That is not hard to believe! Did you really expect to just stroll up to a woman twice your size and make milk puns? Master o’ social graces, you aint. Let us not pretend the subject is some hidden faux pas, Kona. They are literally right there in my face. So are your jokes. ALEX! Hey Miko. What’s up? Well, the bad news is that, I have you to thank for having to arrest an enraged woman twice my size for assault. But the good news is that you have a package! Oh what luck! Yes! I’ve been waiting for this one for a whole month now. What is it? I’m glad you asked! It’s another load of pictures. And trust me, you’re in for a real HARE-raising experience. Oh look. Rabbit puns. I bet he’s gonna fit in something about DOE-nuts with me around. I personally like “Bad HARE day”, myself. But it’s gotta be… THE SPOTLIGHT Featuring a throwback to Bunny Girls with video technologies for viewers like you! As always, feel free to give your suggestions on the KEMONO CAFE PATREON or in the FABLE GAZETTE on the KEMONO CAFE DISCORD SERVER. You can also catch these BUNNY GIRLS here on the PINTEREST BOARD. Whoa… Whoa whoa! The heck am I doing in some bunny magazine?! And the mayor! Holy smokestacks! Uh… That’s news to me. Issue seven of Bunnies Gone Wild… “The Buck Stops Here”?! Really? I swear I just needed research for my Spotlight! I read these for the articles! Please don’t tell Major Snow Puff about this. Uh… Alex… She’s right behind me isn’t she? Yep. I’m going back to prison aren’t I? Do you even have to ask? Such is the artist’s burden; persecuted for doing what I love. The problem is when you do it in public. Until next time folks. Like there’s going to be a next time!